Do you love the United states of America?

You're Not Alone !!!

We started this journey by connecting Patriots on Telgegram, and we've transitiioned into gearing-up Patriots for "Peaceful Protests" and Rallies Across the Nation! It's time to act...


OUR Mission Statement

Our mission is sharing truth, and providing Patriots with the gear needed to wake up our fellow Americans!  We started this by connecting Patriots on Telegram, and we’ve transitioned into supplying pureblooded Americans with the Apparel they need at rallies, peaceful protests, or walks down the street waking up their neighbors.  We pride ourselves on our 100% original designs, and yes we have have fans…. the other foreign “t-shirt” popup websites that steal our designs to make quick buck.  We don’t care how many shirts we sell, we care about providing Americans with the threads they need to make an impact.  Waking up one person is enough, and so far we’ve succeeded!  From “Let’s Go Brandon” to the woke “cancel culture” focused around Trump or Dr. Suess, this country is dying and we need to fix it.

Our mission started out of the lock-downs, quarentine, and too much time on our hands, and we’re glad to provide a visual counter to the mainstream media and narrative.  If you’ve been a long-term customer, you’ve noticed we don’t offer the “PayPal” option anymore.  They aren’t our “pal”, because they tried to cancel us and suspended access due to the “conservative nature” of our products we offer.  We’re not going to lay down, we’re going to stand up to the tyranny happening in our world!  Stand with us, get geared up, and make sure you’re loud at the next rally!

Let us know how we can help you out too… we take product and design requests.  Let us know what you need.  We The Patriotic are the only thing stopping this country from collapsing.  We won’t let it, because we are strong and God Wins!  

We Are Stronger United!!

Fortunately, we landed on Telegram, one of the last stand’s for free speech on the internet and immediately began connecting Patriots.  We needed to take it further and decided to help with our  graphic design ability.  We’ve seen the apparel at rallies that is hard to look at, so we are trying to wake people up based on our beliefs and talent.  We’ve been ‘cancelled’ from Big Tech losing our social media and from PayPal losing our ability to sell our products. 

You can’t stop our voice from being heard, and that’s our goal!  

We don’t only supply Patriots with apparel, we also help people connect with others via our Patriot Map, which is a directory of Patriot Telegram channels and groups, because we need to communicate in order to make an impact!

Join us in our mission… 

It's Time To Take Our Power Back!

The fight is in our hands soldier! As much as we’d love for Trump or the military to save us there are no guarantees in life.

Our freedom is at stake. It’s our job as patriots and freedom fighters to come together as one and work together to take our country and our planet back.

We must lock arms and fight the forces of evil together. The enemy (communism) is deeply entrenched and now in our own backyards.

Our question for you is…What are you going to do about it?

Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer. We created this platform to give you your voice back and the tools you need to succeed.

Become a free member today, connect with other Patriots, and get access to all of our incredible resources below!

Join our Patriot community!

Create your free account with us today to gain you the knowledge, tools, and information to fight back,
in order to win the war against the invisible enemy that is trying to destroy us!

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